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Guild Wars 2 Ranger Guide Pdf

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by reodupwate1976 2020. 2. 22. 03:29


Ranger: Specializations.Marksmanship TraitDescriptionTier: AdeptYou and your pet inflict vulnerability with your first strike when entering combat.90Use Lesser Signet of Stone when you fall below the health threshold.1Gain might when you strike a foe based on their health percent.15Cast Lesser Call of the Wild when you swap pets.Tier: MasterYour opening strikes inflict cripple on your foes.Activating a Signet grants fury to nearby allies. Signets gain reduced recharge.Ranger weapon skills deal increased damage. Damage is further increased for foes above the range threshold.Gain an attack of opportunity for you and your pet on interrupting a foe.

  1. Guild Wars Ranger Builds Pve

Daze and stun durations that you inflict last longer. This trait can only grant an attack of opportunity against enemies with defiance bars once per interval.Tier: GrandmasterOpening Strike has an increased chance to critically strike.You and your pet deal increased damage to disabled or movement-impaired foes. (Affected conditions are: Stun, Taunt, Daze, Cripple, Fear, Immobilize and Chilled.)Regain opening strike whenever you gain fury. Opening strike deals more damage.Your longbow and harpoon-gun skills pierce and recharge faster. When you strike a foe with a projectile combo, gain swiftness.Skirmishing TraitDescriptionTier: Adept9Gain swiftness when swapping weapons in combat.You and your pet have a chance to cause bleeding on critical hits.8When you successfully evade an attack, gain vigor.Increase the duration of boons and conditions applied by traps. Traps gain reduced recharges and offensive ones cause cripple.Tier: Master9Gain fury when swapping weapons in combat.You increase the precision of nearby allies.5Evading an attack grants quickness. Sword skills gain reduced recharge.Bleeding you inflict is more dangerous.Tier: GrandmasterYou have an increased chance to critically strike while attacking from behind or the side.9When swapping weapons, the next ranger weapon skill you use will recharge faster.Damage and condition duration are increased after dodging or using Quick Shot.

Short bow skills pierce and gain recharge reduction, and their attacks from behind or while flanking are improved.2Fury grants ferocity and additional increased critical strike chance. When struck while below the health threshold, gain fury.Wilderness Survival TraitDescriptionTier: AdeptYou recover endurance more quickly.Create Muddy Terrain when you take falling damage or use a healing skill. You take less damage from falling.10Gain regeneration when you are inflicted with bleeding, poison, or burning. While you have regeneration, you take reduced damage.Gain increased vitality. You and your pet gain expertise based on vitality.Tier: MasterYou and your pet gain protection when you dodge roll.Gain condition damage. Gain additional condition damage while wielding a torch or dagger. Torch and dagger skills recharge faster.15While you are above the health threshold, your strikes inflict poison.


While your pet's health is above the health threshold, its strikes inflict poison.90Incoming disables are transferred to your pet instead. Disables include: stun, taunt, daze, knockback, pull, knockdown, sink, float, fear, or launch.Tier: GrandmasterYou and your pet recover health while affected by protection.Condition durations are split between you and your pet.

Conditions are not split while your pet is downed.Survival skills gain reduced recharge, grant fury, and remove conditions.Upon using a Beast ability, your pet's next attack will inflict poison; your poison damage is increased.Nature Magic TraitDescriptionTier: Adept10Gain regeneration when you receive damage while your health is below the threshold.You deal increased damage for each boon affecting you. Your pet deals increased damage for each boon affecting it.20Gain quickness when your health drops below the threshold. You and your pet gain healing power based on power.Your revive speed is increased. Cast 'Search and Rescue!' When you begin reviving an ally.Tier: MasterWhen you gain a boon, it is shared with your pet.10Dodging removes a damaging condition and a non-damaging condition from you.Grant boons to nearby allies when swapping pets.Warhorn skills gain reduced recharge and grant regeneration around their target. Recover health when you gain regeneration.Tier: GrandmasterYou and your pet gain increased concentration.Reduces health loss when spirits apply boons to allies. Spirit-activated skills affect a larger area and apply boons to allies.30When you receive damage, nearby foes are weakened and you gain protection.20Beast abilities heal allies around the caster.Beastmastery TraitDescriptionTier: AdeptYour pet's attributes are improved and pet skills gain recharge reduction.

Guild Wars Ranger Builds Pve

Improved attributes are power, condition damage, precision, toughness, and vitality.12Nearby foes are blinded by Beast abilities.1You and your pet each grant might to the other when critically striking a foe.Commands apply additional boons around you and gain reduced recharge.Tier: MasterWhile your health is above the threshold, your pet deals more damage. Your pet swap gains recharge reduction.Beast abilities inflict weakness on those struck.

This effect will only occur once on each target struck by an ability.10Greatsword and spear skills deal more damage and recharge faster. Gain fury when you disable a foe.Your pet recovers health each interval.Tier: GrandmasterYour pet moves faster and deals more damage on critical hits.20Beast abilities taunt nearby foes.15Cast Lesser Quickening Zephyr when you swap pets.Gain ferocity. Axe skills gain reduced recharge, and you gain additional ferocity while wielding an axe. Winter's Bite now impacts an area.Druid Elite Specialization TraitDescriptionTier: AdeptGain access to Glyphs. Become a celestial avatar once you gain enough astral force.


Generate astral force by healing allies and damaging foes. Your pet's attributes are weaker.Becoming a celestial avatar removes conditions from you.Using your heal skill, heals allies around you and your pet.8Reduces recharge of staff skills. Daze nearby foes when you swap to staff.Tier: Master1When you heal an ally, you are also healed.Grant superspeed and stealth to nearby allies when leaving celestial avatar form.Glyphs gain reduced recharge and cast Lesser Seed of Life.Reduces duration of movement-impairing conditions. Your movement speed is increased as long as you have none of these conditions.Tier: GrandmasterIncrease outgoing healing to other allies whenever you heal an ally besides yourself.Grant increased damage to allies within the radius of your celestial avatar abilities.When you enter celestial avatar form, your next strike will blind your foe and heal you. While in celestial avatar form, your healing of others is significantly increased.20Striking a stunned, dazed, knocked down, or launched foe summons roots to entangle them.Soulbeast Elite Specialization TraitDescriptionTier: AdeptGain access to Stances. Survival in the desert has enhanced your connection to your pet, granting you the ability to meld with them by entering beastmode. Greetings, visitors!Since 2012 we are providing the Guild Wars 2 community with our website and our build editor, and we hope that you are satisfied with the quality of our resource.

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Guild Wars 2 Ranger Guide Pdf

Next time you will see this appeal in 30 days.

MesmerHe uses illusions to confuse and hurt enemies. He can use various weapons and light armor.After choosing the race, profession and the customizing physical appearance you move to the last part of character's creation: choice of the starting equipment, personality and biography. Beginning items will be used only during the few first levels, personality affects the conversation you will have with the NPCs. The biography is more important because it defines the available missions and challenges. Near to the 30th level different paths cross.